Solar panels for your roof
Power prices seem set to rise, and constancy of supply is another issue on many people’s minds. So is the circular economy – which, when it comes to solar panels, means the ability to put electricity back into the grid. Who wouldn’t want to receive negative electricity bills, after all?
More and more people are turning to solar panels. But part of the process of making a decision to choose and install solar panels has to involve a full roof inspection.
Is your roof ready for solar panels?
It is a major decision to install solar panels. They are not inexpensive. They represent a long-term financial and lifestyle strategy. It can take 10 years for them to pay for themselves.
But you would be cutting the wrong corners to install solar panels without first insisting on a full roof inspection. Roof Inspection Reports will check for areas of rust or damage from air conditioners. Such issues can cause major expense and headaches down the track if they are not addressed before you install your solar panels.
Many roofs have unfortunately been constructed economically rather than to best trade practice – plus regular maintenance has then been neglected. This has the potential to make it difficult for you to make the most of your investment in going solar.
Yearly inspections the key
Okay, you have made the decision to go solar, chosen your panels, had your roof professionally inspected and addressed any issues the inspection identified, and installed your solar panels.
Congratulations. But what is next?
Roof Inspection Reports has the best advice: yearly inspections and regular maintenance. Your investment in solar panels is a major one and a long-term one. Protect it properly with roof inspections by Roof Inspection Reports.
Contact Roof Inspection Reports today for a quote.