Architectural Design Review of Roof Plans

In addition to inspecting new and existing roofing, Roof Inspection Reports can undertake inspection and reporting on proposed roofing designs from architectural plans. Our specialist expertise means that we are able to advise on whether the design and materials being recommended are the most suitable, and the most economical, for the purpose. Like building inspectors, architects and building designers are not roofing specialists. The specialist expertise that Roof Inspection Reports can offer, gained from over 35 years of experience in the roofing industry, ensures that you are receiving the most comprehensive and accurate advice prior to committing to building works. The affordable cost of a design review, compared to the potential expense associated with a poorly designed roof, makes a project design inspection by Roof Inspection Reports the sensible option.

Philip Beveridge, the founder of Roof Inspection Reports, has saved clients millions of dollars through roofing design reviews on projects small and large. One of the projects he reviewed was the design of the Commonwealth Games Sports Stadium. He was consulted as a result of acoustical problems arising from the initial architectural design. Application of his specialist knowledge not only enabled him to recommend an improved design which solved the acoustics problem – his revised design reduced the cost of the roof construction by over $1 million. This example demonstrates the huge financial benefits that can be obtained through an architectural design review. In the case of the owners of the Commonwealth Games stadium, engaging an affordable roof design review resulted in a 20,000% return on investment in saved construction costs alone. The cost of proceeding with a design that will produce a roof that is not fit for purpose is, of course, incalculable.

An architectural design review by Roof Inspection Reports will provide you with advice on the proposed design’s compliance with Australian Standards and codes, its suitability for the intended building purpose, and any modifications required to prevent ongoing maintenance concerns.

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