Koongal Roof Inspection Report Purpose:

Provide a roof condition report after a Koongal roof inspection was carried out, checking adherence to N.C.C 2019 Vol.2, AS 1562.1, AS 1562.3, AS 3500.3 and SA HB 39 2015: The installation Code for Metal Roofing and Walling as well as manufacturer’s instructions relating the proper installation of Dektites. For more information on these building codes, click here.

Findings & Recommendations In Koongal Roof Inspection

  • Downpipe spreaders are non-complaint to SA HB 39 refer 5.7.7, spreaders should not discharge onto flashing or against direction of roof water flow.
  • Flashing coverage is under the required 150mm roof sheet coverage, however I do note the coverage gives a dry pan of the roof sheet and is sufficient to prevent against wind driven rain events, barge cappings are fit for purpose.
  • All barge cap ends. This is a design issue, generally all roof areas should discharge into a gutter, however pre-existing fascia boards extend past the gutter as opposed to finishing behind them. There is small potential the water run-off will eventually rot the timber. Barge cappings should also be installed so they fall towards the roof and not to the outside of the building where they have potential to leave staining marks.
  • Coax cable is penetrating the roof and is heavily reliant on silicone which has no longevity due to breaking down under the sun’s UV rays, non-complaint to SA HB 39 refer 8.6.1, all penetrations must be flashed.
  • Very minor ponding occurring at the vent pipe penetration here, installing the Dektite on a diamond or installing a try flashing can remedy this and extend longevity with minor potential for future corrosion to occur in this area. See above compliance and installation guide on Dektites below.
  • Flashing connections of the sandwich panel roof have no silicone underseal and insufficient fasteners, non-compliant to SA HB 39 refer 5.8.3. Potential for future ingress and reduced lifespan as moisture and debris can become trapped between the flashings resulting in corrosion.
  • All gutter outlets spreading onto the lower roof are unconventional but given the location of the gutter there is no room for the outlet to be installed to the sole of the gutter. One in particular is discharging onto a flashing connection that is not undersealed and fastened compliantly; it would be prudent to extend the outlet further down the roof.
  • Flashings and sheet ends not turned down into the gutter, potential here for water drawback to occur that could enter the sandwich panel resulting in reduced lifespan of the product.
  • The ingress occurring in this location is likely an eaves gutter connection failure. Access to this area is limited by debris and sharp edges and repair is required.
  • Guttering in general needs to be cleaned regularly to prevent debris and moisture build up that can lead to gutter failures from blockages and reduced lifespan from corrosion.

Reference Images Used In Koongal Roof Condition Report

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