Provide a roof condition report to AS 1562.1 AS 1562.3 And SA HB 39 2015, the installation code for metal roofing and walling. Provide recommendations to extend longevity.
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Findings & Recommendations Report For New Beith Roof Inspection
Fasteners are not sealed sufficiently, and ingress will occur. Although images do not show it well, when you feel around the screw you can feel no silicone at the back.
Existing outlets in the back eaves gutter need re-undersealing and riveting to prevent ingress through these areas at the back patio. Image is of the LHS outlet, it would be prudent to re-do the RHS outlet as well.
Flashings have been installed to try preventing water entry at the outlets, these give potential for gutter overflow water to enter under the flashing as well as entrap it in the centre pan as the flashing has been sealed to the sheet. If issues continue to occur here it may be more productive to install a tray flashing.
Exposed copper piping around the solar hot water system needs to be lagged/covered to prevent copper saturated water run-off, which will lead to corrosion. Non-compliant to AS 3500.3 refer 4.4.2.
Solar hot water pipe penetrations are non-compliant to SA HB 39 refer 8.6.1. Penetrations like these are heavily reliant on silicone which has no longevity due to breaking down under the sun’s UV rays.
Dektites should be installed and consideration to sheet replacement given as there is a repair in the sheet
Fasteners installed to the solar hot water support strap have no washers and ingress is likely.
Tray flashing has minor buckling from unknown causes which should not affect the performance of the dektite or tray. This is an aesthetic issue only
Tray flashing have insufficient fasteners, non-compliant to SA HB39 refer 7.2, sheets must be fastened at every fixing point.
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