Paddington Roof Inspection Report Purpose:

Provide a roof condition report to N.C.C 2016 Vol.2, AS 1562.1, AS 1562.3, SA HB 39 2015: The installation Code for Metal Roofing and Walling and Manufacturer’s Instructions. Provide recommendations to extend longevity.

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Findings & Recommendations In Paddington Roof Inspection Report

  • AC units throughout the roof area have multiple pipe penetrations, these are problematic and heavily reliant on silicone and tape which have no longevity due to breaking down under the sun’s UV rays and being picked apart by birds, they also require regular maintenance to replace tape and silicone. We recommend the use of the PVC gooseneck method shown below to remove any potential ingress from occurring and removing any maintenance. Also note many of the Dektites are blocking pans of flashings and likely leading to ingress, these are noncompliant
    to SA HB 39 refer 8.6.1.
  • Dektites throughout the roof area are blocking pan flow of sheeting, noncompliant to SA HB 39 refer 8.6.1. Many Dektites are penetrating the sheet lap which affects the anti-capillary and leads to ingress, non-compliant to AS 1562.1 refer appendage D. Dektites have reached the end of their lifespan and require replacement. Also note the copper pipes, this can affect
    the sheeting and flashings due to dissimilar metal run-off resulting in corrosion. All copper piping will need to be painted or lagged to prevent future corrosion.
  • Soaker flashing shown has been poorly installed with insufficient fasteners at the connections, as shown by the images taken from underneath, minimum 40mm centres for fasteners and undersealed is required. Non-compliant to SA HB 39 refer 5.8.3. Also note the anti-capillary feature of the sheet laps has been blocked by the excessive silicone and Wetseal usage. Ingress likely occurring in several areas.
  • Box guttering throughout has been heavily Wet Sealed making it impossible to determine compliant installation, however the use of this temporary product shows ingress has likely been occurring in these areas.
  • Sump installation is non-compliant to SA HB 5.3.3(d), Outlets must be installed below the sole of the sump, i.e., not to the side as these have been. Also note there is no allowance for overflow should the downpipe become blocked, non-compliant to SA HB 39 refer 5.3.1. Box guttering has changes of direction, this is non-compliant to AS 3500.3 refer 3.7.4.
  • Flashings are lapped against the flow of water and are non-compliant to SA HB 8.2.
  • Several screws have been silicone sealed, likely due to the screws not being seated correctly or neoprene washer failure.
  • Leaf guard installed to the area of the box gutter shown, likely the same issues occurring as the other section inspected.
  • Non-compliant side flashing coverage for this deleted penetration, if not in use, removal and installation of a dry pan would be a more prudent option. Minimum roof coverage of flashings is 150mm.
  • Removed AC unit leaves corrosion stain and Dektites, these areas should be trayed out to prevent ingress and reduce the spread of corrosion.
  • Galvanised flashings shown are creating dissimilar metal run-off corrosion, Zincalume water can not run onto galvanised, gal flashings need to be replaced with Zinc.
  • All flashing connections throughout the roof area have had Wetseal applied, this is a temporary fix and it can trap moisture between joins intensifying corrosion.
  • Waterproofing of the stairwell has reached the end of its lifespan, with potential for ingress to occur. It was noted as drummy when tapped, a sign of air trapped beneath the waterproofing.
  • Skylights shown are reaching the end of their lifespan as corrosion is occurring and spreading to the flashings below.
  • The box gutter on this side is the same set up as the other and the same issue present, see item #1 for compliance.
  • AC unit that is heavily corroded needs replacement before it spreads to the sheeting.
  • Several foot traffic damage dents were noted during the inspection and localized repairs should be carried out on these and not just silicone applied.
  • Conduits are heavily reliant on silicone which have no longevity and noncompliant to SA HB 39 refer 8.6.1. See item #2 for compliance. Flashings to the penetration are noncompliant as no allowance has been given for thermal movement. Non-compliant to SA HB 39 refer 8.1.3.
  • Skylight penetrations blocking anti capillaries that could lead to ingress.
  • Corrosion occurring to the sheeting from exposed copper piping.
  • No roof coverage of the flashings here and no allowance for thermal movement.
  • Apron flashing installation here has not been done in tradesman like manner and is likely causing ingress, flashings have been installed over original flashings, apron is not turned down into the gutter, screws through flashing and sheet like shown in one image are likely causing ingress and the way the flashing sits water drawback is likely occurring.
  • Roof apron flashings here appear to be installed correctly and are without issue, although there are signs of ingress occurring here that may be due to the brick wall not being waterproof. Roof sheeting is old but still appears to be in fair condition.
  • Several perimeter flashings are heavily reliant on Wet Seal at the joins as they reach the end of their lifespan.
  • Roof sheeting and flashings are in fair condition although reaching the end of their lifespan. Note the end of the eaves gutter is heavily corroded with holes.
  • Aerial coax cable penetration is heavily reliant on silicone which has no longevity, non-compliant to SA HB 39 refer 8.6.1, all penetrations must be flashed.
  • Front eaves gutter has one downpipe servicing 28m of gutter, non-compliant to NCC
    Overflowing is likely occurring during rain events. Also note the one downpipe is discharging from the end of the gutter and not from the sole.

Recommendations for removal of ingress and to maintain longevity of the roof:

  • Box gutters require full replacement inclusive of adequate falls and sumps with provision for overflow.
  • All AC units multiple pipe penetrations need to be fed through a PVC gooseneck to prevent ingress and remove maintenance.
  • All Dektite penetrations require new Dektites installed inclusive of tray flashings to prevent ponding corrosion occurring.
  • All exposed copper piping needs to be covered to prevent dissimilar metal run-off. Soaker tray flashing at the front left side of the building needs to be tray flashed out to prevent further ingress.
  • All flashings on the main roof should be replaced, including perimeter flashings.
  • All skylights and their flashings need replacement, inclusive of tray flashings where required.
  • Front eaves guttering should be replaced inclusive of the correct number of downpipes installed. Corroded eaves guttering at the RHS of the building’s awning requires replacement.
  • Stairwell roof waterproofing needs to be redone.
For more information about our roof inspection service or to book please visit our contact page to find out how to get in touch with us.