Roof Inspection Reports can save you money, trouble, time and peace of mind.

Director of Roof Inspection Reports, Philip Beveridge, says that by the time you become aware of a leak in your roof, the damage has already become well-established.

Prevention better than cure for roof leaks

Phil recommends preventative annual inspections for all dwellings and commercial properties. This is a must, given how complex and expensive repairs can become if you leave it too late. The annual fee for an inspection is good economy when you consider the size of the bill you can be presented with for one-off major repairs.

My roof is damaged – now what?

But what should you do if you do find you have developed roof damage? Don’t despair! Even the most complex roof damage should always be fixable. And contacting Roof Inspection Reports as a first measure is a fine strategy. You can put your faith in Roof Inspection Reports’ more than thirty years of experience in identifying problems and suggesting optimal and economic solutions.

Unfortunately, poor workmanship is the root cause of most roofing problems. With storm season approaching, if you find that you develop a leak after rain, you know that this is a strong sign that you need to address well-progressed damage as soon as possible.

Ceiling and wall damage from roof damage

If your ceilings and walls show visible signs of water damage, you should also act without delay. If you leave these problems to worsen, there may be consequences you may come to regret – financial and structural, not to mention compromising your safety, and perhaps that of your family or employees or tenants.

Your roof is too precious to your financial and general wellbeing to be neglected.

Protect your assets and your people. Contact Roof Inspection Reports today for a professional inspection and report that will give you peace of mind.